IoT@Siemens Conference 2022 vom 22. bis 25. März


Lesedauer: 4 Min.

Autor: Marketing

Vom 22.03. – 25.03.2022 findet die IoT@Siemens Conference 2022 in Nürnberg statt.

Die Siemens-interne Konferenz im Nürnberger Sheraton Hotel beschäftigt sich drei Tage lang mit den neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen rund um das Thema Internet of Things (IoT). Die evosoft GmbH zeigt im Rahmen der Veranstaltung die innovativen Themen “Interchange of Data” und “SayWoT!”.

Application Development im Bereich OT und IT

Die evosoft Experten David Weichart und Tiago Russolo informieren in ihrem Vortrag über die Applikation “Interchange of Data”.

IoD - Interchange of Data Application, the Industrial Data Broker

The IoD Application is an industrial data broker that deals with the interconnection of different devices and systems. The convergence of OT and IT requires the integration of diverse legacy and modern systems. Due to a lack of interoperability among the systems, most of the efforts occur in the main task of solving the connection & mapping of different interfaces based on different protocols. The goal of IoD is to simplify the integration of the systems using a mapping engine for the transformation of data from source structure to the destination interface with adequate semantics and enabling the connection of the systems through a wide collection of protocol drivers. It is designed as an edge solution and is compatible with the Industrial Edge Platform.

SayWoT! – Der offene Web-Standard

Die Software-Experten Pedram Hadjian und Felix Paulini präsentieren die Inner-Source-Implementierung „SayWoT!“.

Growing the saywot Community - Where and How the Web of Things is Used

saywot is an inner source implementation of the W3C Web of Things Standard (WoT). WoT defines a representation for IoT devices an their metadata in a developer friendly way using web technology (JSON-LD, mDNS, WebSockets etc.). In this talk we will describe the saywot architecture and building blocks and showcase the usage of saywot across divisions, with its applications to building automation, process automation and the distributed grid. Finally we will present how the Thing Description, the actual device description within WoT, can be used within your own stack even without saywot to enable the sharing of domain knowledge instead of IoT stack implementations.


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