Donation handover to Hospiz Team Nürnberg e.V.


Lesedauer: 3 Min.

Autor: Marketing

On Monday, 31.01.2022, Damaris Meyer, CFO of evosoft GmbH, handed over a donation of 7000 Euro to the association Hospiz Team Nürnberg e.V. With this donation, evosoft supports the project "Accompaniment of siblings whose siblings are seriously ill".

The donation check was accepted by Ms. Angelique Heimstädt-van-Weert, the association’s coordinator for children’s palliative care. The employees of evosoft had a big share in this. They waived their Christmas party budget and chose a facility to support with the sum. “The entire team decided to donate their Christmas party budget to a good cause,” said Damaris Meyer during her visit to the children’s hospice.

In 2017, the Hospiz-Team Nürnberg e.V. started to set up a care and support service for siblings of terminally ill or disabled children. Initial experiences have shown how important this offer is and how much siblings take a back seat with their needs in everyday life. In many cases, difficulties arise at school or in the social environment due to the special situation of the siblings. In this situation the offer of the hospice team Nuremberg e.V. would like to support and relieve prophylactically in a playful and sensitive way. Here, a possibility is created to sensitize for the life circumstances of these children and to give the children a place where they make the experience that other affected children feel very similar and that they are not alone with their “specialness”.

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