evosoft participates at the EELISA program of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg


Lesedauer: 3 Min.

Autor: Marketing

evosoft GmbH and evosoft Kft. Hungary participate at the EELISA (European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance) program of Friedrich-Alexander-University FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and offers 10 internships in Budapest.

With the motto “Building Bridges. Bridging Boundaries.” EELISA connects partner universities and companies with complementary strengths and profiles in order to shape innovation and the future of society and to master global challenges with intelligent and sustainable solutions through European cooperation.

Drei Personen in Besprechung mit Kaffee

You want to become part of EELISA and the evosoft team?

Take the chance to apply for one of 10 internships at evosoft Kft. Hungary in Budapest.

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